Monday, November 26, 2007

message from nanny

Hiya Nichola! - I think about you every day, and would send more messages if I had anything at all to tell you!! But I haven`t been Mad Dog Riverboarding, or tied to the back of a water jet - or swung across a river, or seen the beautiful Rainforest Retreat. The last time we heard you are at Healy`s Hotel, and ."having serious computer issues" - must be frustrating, but it has been wonderful to be able to keep in constant touch with you You have done so much more in this couple of months than most people will ever do in a lifetime... what a store of memories.... and what a store of photos!!!...I heard that you have sent one or two over (!!) but haven`t seen any yet - maybe tomorrow.

A nyway - not too long now before you return- of course WE ALL LOOK FORWARD TO THAT!!! We are all well - hope you are too. (hope your back is alright after river landing) Loads of LOVE