So my blog pretty much says it all! Today I went into Queenstown for a look around. It's very nice here with big lakes surrounded by snow capped mountains and the sun is shining hot, which I think is a bit of a rarity here! I went Mad Dog river boarding this afternoon which is like white water rafting but on a body board instead of a boat... you get very wet! It was really exciting and the guides were good at making sure you go in the right direction. At the end we got a ride tied to the back of a water jet. I also went down a slide on my body board which was awesome as you skidded almost to the other side of the river! And I went on the swing across and dropped into the water, although I didn't land very well and hurt my back a bit but it seems ok now. It was a good belly/back flop anyhow! I just had a Ferg Burger for dinner which was a bit of a beast, really tasty too.
I saw all the pictures from Mum's birthday! They look really merry hehe! I was sad not to have been there, it looks like you had a good time. I'm glad you get to have some fun too!
So what else is new at home? I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon.
I'm having serious computer issues tonight, this is my 3rd internet cafe grr! Anyway I hope you are all well...
Nichola xXx